• The berry bushes in April

    The berry bushes have developed so fast that I’m behind to post about. The photos might yet be somehow outdated because they show flowers and fruit have appeared meanwhile. That makes a quick overview urgent.

  • 2024-04-22 16:08

    The grapevine leaves were frosted during the night. Unsure what’s up with the apple blossom. #gardening

  • 2024-04-19 17:00

    Time for the five o’clock coffee. ☕

  • 2024-04-18 17:03

    Time for the five o’clock coffee. c[_]

  • The fruit trees in April

    The spring came quickly this year. Pruning of the trees was just done when they began sprouting. For the last I’ve done it was even a bit late for my taste as the bark began to come off which effect one would appreciate for grafting works. The mild temperature in February and March caused most…

  • the blog

    hi visitor. if you accidently found here you’ll sadly find nothing yet as the blog is just set up.