about this site

Hi visitor. This is my personal site. Therefore I was always a paranoid user and didn’t want to see my full name spread in searches and archives on the internet, I did just use my nickname in public since ever. I never managed to change that so here it also will be that morph posting. I am sure that it will come to some confusion – there exist different handles for the TLDs morphtown.de (this site) and morphnet.de (where my Mastodon runs for example).

As said it is a personal blog and will be in fact more a diary of random interests that come to my mind or reports from things I’ve done recently as well as some experimental usage but not too much of it I guess. There is no defined goal and no dedicated topics at the moment. Sometimes the boundaries between a classic way of blogging and microblogging will be blurred. This is intended as I don’t want to separate my identity and aim to let it be equal from where I post. I also want to improve my behaviour and write on the blog more often than in the past when it turned out I more or less only was doing microblogging.

The site runs with the ActivityPub protocol so it can communicate with other platforms that have implemented it.

Viva la Föderation!